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Mrs. Suezette Batman

Mrs. Suezette Batman

The family and friends of the late Mrs. Suezette Batman of 211 North Isbella Street, Abbeville Georgia, will regret to learn of her death on Sunday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Bateman is survived by her Husband, Mr. Moses Batman of Abbeville, Brother Mr. William Dwight Jr. of Abbeville Georgia. Sister and brother-in-laws Mrs. Janet Walters,Mrs. Barbara Walters Mr. Willie Rose Batman, Miss. Ann Batman, Mr. Will Lee Batman, Mrs. Ella Mae Lockhart, Mr. Wiley Batman, Mr. William Batman, Mr. Terry Batman and Mr. Raymond Batman. A special niece Mrs. Michelle Jackson of Abbeville Georgia.

Funeral services for Mrs. Suezette Batman will be held on Sunday November 16, 2014 at 3:00 P.M. at the Elizabeth First Baptist church in Abbeville Georgia, with the pastor Rev. Michael Acree officiating. Interment will follow in the Riverside cemetery. Mrs. Batman will lie in state on Saturday morning 11:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. at the Elizabeth Baptist church in Abeville and 1:00 Sunday until the hour of the funeral. Repass wil be serve at the Elizabeth Baptist church social hall. The Davis Funeral home of Ocilla Georgia Has charge of all arrangements.

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